Wal Mart and Amazon - the Technology Battle
Readers of my most recent posts on the subject of current trends in retailing may be interested in the New York Times front page article in the October 20th edition titled “To Catch Up Wal Mart moves to Amazon’s Turf.”
The article discusses how Wal Mart, in an effort to compete with Amazon’s on-line presence has established @WalmartLabs, the headquarters of its on-line operations in San Bruno, California. Competition between Wal Mart and Amazon is taking place, not just with customers, but also for engineering and technical talent to continue to improve their positions in SEO, on-line sales, same day delivery, etc.
As I discussed in my August 13th post on the subject of same day delivery, Wal Mart and Amazon are both competing in offering this service, not just with themselves, but other familiar names such as E-Bay and Google. The NY Times article provides a lot of interesting information on the @WalmartLabs operations. Clearly, competing for the retail consumer has taken on new dimensions as technology continues to develop.