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Disneyland Lines, Defense Acquisition University, and the Sequester

By Steve Geary | 06/17/2013 | 3:03 PM

Anybody who has contracts with a DoD Agency or one of the Military Departments is welcome to apply for a spot in Defense Acquisition University courses.   Some are on-line, some are classroom.  These are very useful courses, covering a spectrum of career fields, from contracting to program management to logistics, and most anything in between. 

The classroom events are a fantastic environment to work side-by-side with government customers, learn a little bit more about their world and how they think.

Until now, classroom slots have been very hard to come by.   Government employees are given preference.  Everybody wants in because the content is current, taught by subject matter experts with decades of experience.  Completion of certain courses is a requirement to qualify for certain civil service jobs. 

And, the classes are free to all, industry or government.  That’s right, free.  It’s no wonder that getting into one of these classes has been like waiting in line for a ride at Disneyland. 

The Sequester has changed everything.  Travel money for government employees in defense has essentially been erased, so many cannot get to DAU classes.  With the DoD furloughs, work plans are being disrupted, and because or the resulting shortage of work hours training plans for many are just being deleted.

As a result, DAU enrollments, just like DoD budgets, have taken a hit.

When the lemons are ripe, make some lemonade.  Sequester has created an opportunity for government contractors.  DAU is actively seeking class participants from industry because most of the waiting lists, for both government and industry, have evaporated.

There is an entire track devoted to logistics, and there are dozen other career fields as well.  Courses are offered at locations across the country.  Complete catalogue information may be found at    http://icatalog.dau.mil   

For more information, or inquiries regarding pre-requisites (waivers are available), contact Arthur McCormick, Registrar for Defense Industry, Defense Acquisition University [email protected] .



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About Mike Rudolph

Mike Rudolph

Mike Rudolph is a recently retired Marine Colonel with over 30 years of operational experience, proven leadership, and management success in the logistics and supply chain management fields. He is an executive consultant with ROSE Solutions and the Supply Chain Visions family of companies - consultancies that work throughout the government sector. Mike led the Marine Corps Supply Chain and Life Cycle Management Center at Marine Corps Logistics Command - responsible for supply chain and life cycle management of all ground weapon systems, equipment, and reparable components, the depot maintenance program, and equipment prepositioning program. During 2004-2008, he served two tours of duty in Anbar Province, Iraq as the G-4 for Multi-National Force – West, supporting all combat operations and coalition efforts to revitalize Iraqi economic development and stability. Mike's efforts were recognized with the Bronze Star for his first tour and the Legion of Merit for his second. He was widely recognized as a visionary and innovator in the Marine Corps logistics community.


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