Karmic Benchmarking
Feel like a boulder in the middle of savage rapids? Every time you look up, you're in the same spot while those around somehow have magically moved forward. It's as though standing still has caused you to move backwards.
If you are waiting for the spring floods to bring a log to knock you out of your current position, you're waiting for the wrong thing. It’s the same as having an idea of what you want to achieve professionally, but you are not sure, or don’t know, how to get there. And you're not measuring progress towards your goals and the milestones you thought you would achieve by now are not happening.
Yeah, I've been there as well. By this point you lose confidence, motivation and the will to move forward. That’s why I’m introducing this blog for young professionals in logistics.
The blog will take many shapes over the coming months, but the main focus is on young professionals between the ages of 24 – 35 years with 2 – 5 years of work experience. But I think many of you will find the information in each blog useful regardless of age.
To kick things off, I would like to talk about sharing. I like to call it “Karmic Benchmarking,” which simply means good things will come by sharing our information, knowledge, and experiences. Fellow DC Velocity blogger Kate Vitasek illustrates a great point of what I mean by sharing with her Bad Warehouse blog. Another fellow DC Velocity blogger, Art Van Bodengraven, has a great post defining karma in his post titled “Now Boarding: Last Train to Karma.”
It’s important for us to share information, knowledge, and experiences. That’s how we learn and become better at what we do. By sharing we better understand the conditions that created success, instead of what is success. One caveat though: NEVER share proprietary information about your company, business place or employer. That’ll create some real bad mojo.
Malcolm Gladwell’s bestselling book Outliers has great insights about understanding and finding the conditions that allow for success.
I’d love your feedback – and would love your help in sharing questions and comments about being a young professional. If you have a question, comment or feedback, please send me an email to [email protected]. Every fourth blog will be a question and answer session from those that I receive from you, my audience. If I use your question, I will send you a free copy of a book mentioned in the previous four posts.
[Image credit: Rapids by Dshalock via Flickr CC]