New Year
Don’t you love New Year’s Resolutions? For years I couldn’t
help but make at least two or three.
Lose 20 lbs.
Quit smoking.
Eat healthier.
Make all A’s for spring semester.
Naturally, I broke every single one of them, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying.
Eventually, I quit making any New Year’s Resolution. To some extent it was an attempt to quit dreaming about a desirable future self. Why dream when you aren’t sure where you’re going?
After looking back at the start of 2012, I noticed an interesting pattern to my resolutions. They all focused on something outward, such as my appearance. Rarely did I think about or consider my attitude as the source of the problem. Last year I made my first New Year’s Resolution in several years – Don’t Wait.
The goal was to change how I thought. Instead of waiting for something to happen, I would take action. To ask a question, if I didn’t understand the point being made, I would ask for clarification. I did something instead of waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect situation, or the perfect time.
My New Year’s Resolution for 2013 – I will have courage.
Image: New Years Sunrise by The Waterboy via Flickr CC