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Take Charge of Your Career

By Joe Tillman | 07/13/2015 | 7:17 AM

Crosshairs - success_Flazingo PhotosBy measuring success...

But how do you define success? Is it earning more money than you’ll ever need, the recognition of important people in your life, or by being a supply chain innovator?

What is it that you want to achieve? At the end of your life, what do you want said?

In the accumulation of all the activities you’ve done, what should it all add up to?

Something more meaningful than money – I hope – or the next promotion. Something better, like creating betterness.

And yes, maybe it’s that simple. Define what it is you want most – your overall goal in life – the one thing that will tell you “I’m successful.” Only then will you take charge of your career.

For me, it’s a tattoo at 95. It’s special, specific, and singular. What’s yours?


Image credit: Crosshairs - success by Flazingo Photos via Flickr CC



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About Joe Tillman

Joe Tillman

An enthusiastic and dedicated professional, Joe Tillman offers supply chain education and research through his company TSquared Logistics. Joe has a keen interest in all things supply chain and uses his high-energy approach to life to author articles for industry publications, blog on young professionals for DC Velocity, and speak to supply chain industry groups. He also co-leads the Warehousing Education and Research Council's influential annual benchmarking study, "DC Measures." Prior to founding TSquared Logistics, Joe worked with Supply Chain Visions as a senior researcher and consultant, Wal-Mart Logistics as a distribution professional, and Union Pacific Railroad as a conductor. Joe is certified in transportation and logistics (CTL) by AST&L and SCOR-Professional certified by the Supply Chain Council.



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