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Survey on social media use within the logistics and supply chain industries

By Kate Lee | 12/14/2015 | 11:19 PM

Let your voice be heard!

The logistics and supply chain industries may be relatively new to the social media game, but those companies that are leveraging these platforms are already seeing positive effects on business.

An industry survey conducted by Fronetics found that while companies in the logistics and supply chain industries have only recently begun to use social media, more than two-thirds (68%) have already realized results. That begs the questions: which networks are they on? What’s working? What’s not?

Fronetics is conducting it annual survey on social media use within the logistics and supply chain industries to help answer these questions – and to determine if changes have taken place since the previous survey. That’s where you come in: we need your help to get to-the-minute information on how companies like yours are using social networks for business purposes.

If your company is part of the logistics or supply chain industries, you are invited to take the survey. It should take less than 5 minutes of your time. A report of the findings will be published on the Fronetics website.  Responses will be reported in aggregate, and no identifiable information (individual or company) will be shared with anyone. Take the survey.

Responses are due December 31, so act now so your voice is heard. 



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About Elizabeth Hines

Elizabeth Hines

Elizabeth is a content strategist with 12+ years of experience in content development, branding, marketing, and communications. As the creative/editorial director at Fronetics, she oversees all efforts related to content and creative assets, including strategy design and brand development.

She has written extensively about supply chain and logistics, and has developed content strategies across a number of verticals, including the B2B space. Prior to joining Fronetics, Elizabeth worked at Boston University, Prospectiv, and Cengage Learning.


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