An Uncertain Auld Lang Syne
As the Yule log burns low, and we prepare for the ball to drop at midnight, mein frau reminds me that I usually drop about three hours earlier. So much for the Golden Years.
A friend of many years (sounds better than "an old friend"), Tom Andel, recently wrote about the uncertainty monster(s) we will be facing - ready or not - in 2011. Infrastructure? Taxes? Under-educated practitioners? Health care? Costs? Customer losses? More pitfalls than opportunities, it seems.
My take, from the vantage point of dotage, is that uncertainty has always been with us - major, business-wrecking uncertainty. But, we had lots of buffers to cushion us from the body blows a few years ago. High inventories, plenty of people resources, an almost-continuously growing economy, loads of capacity, more buildings than we knew what to do with.
In today's world, with Lean and Six Sigma, cost reduction pressures, over-worked management and staff, rationalized distribution networks, capacity constrained carriers, pressures to overcome past price concessions, a flatter economy (even in recovery), there's little room for error and less for accomodating unanticipated small swings of the pendulum.
It all looks like another argument for building strong customer/supplier/service provider relationships, and investing even more in them in tough times. Wild concept, huh? Looking five years down the road instead of over-reacting to the last five minutes.
So, raising yet another cup of eggnog, and launching into another quavering stab at "Should auld acquaintance be forgot," I wish you all an abfab 2011.
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