One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
A long-time logistics and supply chain industry observer and journalist recently noted that "companies are desperately looking for relationship managers" up, down, across, within and outside their companies, and notes that management messages to make more cuts direct energy and creativity into "less-productive" directions.
Regrettably, he's right on, and being way too polite. At a time when we need more and better relationships, too many managers are taking the Nurse Ratched approach, and seem surprised that even more punishment will be needed to get the results they're after.
An overload of the resulting continuing cognitive dissonance surely drives people to a bad place with bars on the windows and a phalanx of burly orderlies. Little Mary Sunshine turns into the Queen of Hearts and Horatio Alger becomes Ambrose Bierce.
Serious relationship building and management, investment in the human infrstructure needed to make them work, and the realization of sustainable and differentiating cost and profitability performance can't be accomplished with a world-view that considers six months the long term.
Bad enough that companies that don't get it will lag the best in class, if not fail outright. Worse, the people involved pay the real price. And the "managers" who drove into the ditch will list the experience as a triumph on their resumes and move on to the next asylum.
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