A Memorable Celebration?
A fresh issue of one of the (un-named to protect the guilty) trades contained an article about developments at a company identified as "a leader in the memory celebration industry." I gasped. At our house, we celebrate those rare occasions when I do remember something. So, the idea that there was an entire industry built around the phenomenon was truly astonishing.
Reading a little farther, it turns out that the company actually sells photo albums, scrapbooks, and the like at in-home parties. Might as well have a piece about a leader in the selling Ginsu knives in the parlor instead of at the home goods store industry. Or, about a leader in selling over-priced plastic bowls in the family room instead of at the dollar store industry.
The issue is debasing the currency of language, and the consequences. The article in question was perfectly good, and the application of technology described was completely appropriate. But, I couldn't get past the over-inflation of the company's position; the "memory celebration industry" terminology kept pulling me off the path of the story line. And, the snorting was keeping my wife awake.
I do recognize that scrapbooking, photo albums, and other crafts, are big deals, and that there are alternative marketing and distribution channels to consider. But the image of a niche, at best, being characterized as an industry? C'mon!
There are times when fewer smaller words and terms communicate much more clearly than using language that could lead one to think that a pawn shop is a leader in the sub-prime consumer lending industry. And, clear language, with mutually understood meaning, is a vital component of solid relationships among supply chain (and other) business partners.
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