Are Those Cards In Your Hand The Real Deal?
Eccentric and egomaniacal gazillionaire H. Ross Perot frequently opened discussions with "here's the deal . . .". Whether Ross was the real deal or not, he was real enough to cost George H. W. Bush re-election in 1992. Imagine how history might have been changed without a spoiler in the race.
Mijn vrouw and I have been in non-political debate recently about who might be the real deal. She is holding out for Bruno Mars as a once and future star; I am partial to Mumford & Sons as a group that will be with us for a while. We agree that PSY and Gangnam style have already used up their fifteen minutes of fame. (We also engage in political debate, but that's another story for another time, perhaps next Tuesday, or perhaps weeks later.)
For the moment, though, I am still borderline amazed by what I am finding in the universe of supply chain education and how that relates to the cards in your hand. Are they as good as you think they are?
There are any number of hands that might look good at first, but turn out to be busted flushes. If you have a logistics or supply chain degree, is it comprehensive, integrated, and current? Or, is it a porridge of last weeks dinner, chopped, reheated, and renamed?
If your base of supply chain knowledge is experiential, has it kept up with current developments and the thinking that goes along with continuously changing structures and processes?
In a competitive job market, are you betting from strength, or raising as a bluff? And, what are the costs and risks of getting found out? Take a closer look at your hand, and think about what you need in the turn or the river to be both genuine and competitive.
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