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Child Labor In The First World

By Art van Bodegraven | 01/31/2016 | 9:57 AM

The socially conscious Kid lost it a few weeks back when news broke about an elevator breakdown in a New York salt mine.  "Children, trapped like rats!"  Their parents must be worried sick!  Stuck underground since ten at night - wait, is this a school night?!  And, why are little kids working in a salt mine?  Isn't that a Russia thing?"

It took us some time to settle him down, and explain that there is a big difference between miners and minors.  I'm not sure he's totally convinced yet.

All this by way of introducing a fundamental in effective communications.  That is, we cannot assume a common cultural, experiential, or values frame of reference for words, phrases, idioms, or concepts when we inform, direct, educate, or instruct others.  The audience (including singular listeners) does not have to be from other lands, from different socio-economic strata, or worship in formats other than our own to provide gaping opportunities for misunderstanding and conflict.

In much the same way that we usually know enough to take care to use standard international business terminology in  multi-national settings, we need to take great care with language for diverse groups and individuals - and checkpoint periodically to make sure that our messages are being understood reasonably consistent with their intent.

G'day for now, mates.





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About Art van Bodegraven

Art van Bodegraven

Art van Bodegraven (1939 - 2017) was Managing Principal of the van Bodegraven Associates consultancy and Founding Principal of Discovery Executive Services, which develops and delivers supply chain educational programs. He was formerly Chair of the Supply Chain Group AG, Partner at The Progress Group LLC, Development Executive at CSCMP, Practice Leader with S4 Consulting, and a Managing Director in Coopers & Lybrand's consulting practice. Concentrating in supply chain management and logistics for over 20 years in his 50+ year business career, he has led ground-breaking strategic, operational, and educational projects for leading US and global clients. Art was principal co-author of DC Velocity's Basic Training monthly column for a decade, and was the principal co-author, with Ken Ackerman, of Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management, the definitive primer in the field. His popular blog, The Art of Art, has been a staple of DC Velocity's web site since its inception.


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