That Ol' Ace In The Hole
Mighta been a country song of that title. The concept relates to hidden power, a hole card in various forms of poker, invisible to other players, that would propel an apparently losing hand to victory. Sometimes, an unscrupulous player would bring his own ace, and keep it up his sleeve — hence another phrase that baffles ESL learners.
In politics, the late Mayor Richard J. Daley could always hold back on revealing Cook County totals, the ace, either in the hole or up his sleeve, coming in handy if his party's candidate was faring below expectations. In business operations, many managers like to keep a stash of last-minute sales, a few loads of late-breaking shipments, previously invisible cost reductions, or other pleasant surprises used to offset or overcome unrealistic, or unattained, objectives set by the bosses upstairs.
In an age of honesty, open-ness, and transparency, such tactics violate what we hope is becoming the New World Order. If the culture of one's employer tolerates, expects, or conducts public human sacrifice in the absence of aces in the hole … Well, one really wants to think about the toll such a toxic hot tub exacts on values, satisfaction, and peace of mind. What naturally follows is contemplation of working environments in which trick plays are not accepted, expected, or rewarded.
Life is too short in the best of cases …
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