Restless Mind Syndrome
No, it's not the same as Restless Leg Syndrome, but it will keep you up at night. Restless Mind Syndrome (RMS) might reflect that technology, flashing lights, multi-tasking, and apocalyptic visions do give many of us the attention span of a four-year old with an over-imaginative bladder.
The condition is not quite the same as manifestations of ADHD, and Ritalin and Adderall are not efficaceous in its treatment - although Adderall could have some useful properties in other spheres.
RMS will lead to excessive and random blogging, as but one example, often taking the sufferer off the defined trails into uncharted swamps of musing. It's not always easy to keep up, with mental and emotional zigs and zags jumping unexpectedly and in unforeseen directions. The emerging supply chain leader may benefit from having many RMS irons in the fire.
This is good, unless and until there are too many irons too hot to handle. Then, the benefits begin to dilute, sapping the value of the original creativity. Our challenge may be one of knowing when to rein in the flight of ideas that feed the syndrome, saving energy and focus for the critical few, and bringing out the next surprise package when the first has been emptied and exploited.
So, find your balance in the eddying waters of the RMS tide of possibilities, and become a star by limiting your brightness to last for the long haul. Shooting stars are impressive, but are gone in a brief moment in the night.
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