BFFs, Bromances, And Building The Future
I've written and talked extensively about the power of relationships, and their fragility, even when there's been a rock-solid foundation. So it was with Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone, who together went camping, presumably burnt s'mores, and bought up half of Florida - all based on the dominance of Harvey's tires on Henry's cars. It all crashed and burned after Bridgestone bought Firestone, and Ford Explorers persisted in falling down a few years ago.
But, Harvey was way more than a tire guy, an appendage on Henry's mighty economic engine. He pioneered humane treatment of workers in wages, benefits, and working conditions - considerably ahead of his time.
We could argue that he was one of the godfathers of contemporary supply chains. His pneumatic tires spurred the development of decent highways, which repladed those that could handle solid rubber, even if not all that well. More importantly, he developed tires that made truck transport feasible, providing a reasonable and flexible alternative to rail - and rendering a good highway network mandatory. We build and rebuild on his creation to this day.
Harvey's true legacy may be forgotten, but not gone. But, his contribution to American prosperity is lasting, and should not be denied.
It's not easy to remember that his famous tire brand was not what defined his greatness.