Wait, What's Trump Again?
Our political lives are touched by confusion, complexity, and cognitive dissonance, sometimes more often than others.
Myself, I come from a school of Republicans, a minority to be sure, but generally speaking in sentences and thinking in paragraphs. Edward Brooke, Nelson Rockefeller, John Lindsay, Cabot Lodge, Bill Buckley, Bob Taft, Dwight Eisenhower, Tom Dewey, Margaret Chase Smith, Clare Boothe Luce, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Scott Brown, and - in his day - Salvatore "Lucky" Luciano. And, all committed to action, making the right things hapen in the right way.
This cycle has been more stressful than many of late. Donald J. Trump has scared me half to death, with personal idiosyncracies, superficial knowledge of core issues, and a willingness to shoot from the hip in between tweets. His personal issues are anathema, and way too many adherents are lurking in his shadow, minus several teeth and good sense - and plus racism and mysogeny.
That confessed, there are numerous positions I can get behind: rendition and black prisons in other lands; keeping Gitmo open and active; the use of enhanced interrogation when research shows efficacy; tight immigration control along with extreme vetting; discouraging public sector sanctuary cities; transforming ACA into a fair and effective health care program; stopping catch and release treatment of illegal immigrant criminals; effective control over various visa alternatives; creating well-paying industrial jobs (along with necessary retraining); repatriation of off-shore profit holdings of US companies; and import tariffs and penalties. Plus, robust restoration of military prowess and willingness to use sanctions and intervention when global bad actors beat up on the weak while we stand by.
So, I loathe and despise the person, but support many of his general objectives. What to do? Be clear about limits of tolerance for bad behavior and support for desirable actions.
At day's end, DJ is our President. Hillary is not, and Bernie is - and will forever be - a nonfactor. Dj did not win the popular vote, and is not ever likely to, given thetructure of our form of overnment. Get over it; Madonna ain't gonna be Secretary of State anytime soon. Nor will our "thou shalt nots" be formulated by frustrated intelligentsia on a densely-populated island just off New York.
We don't have to accept all the craziness, but we do owe the benefit of the doubt to actions that might pay off - to some limit. Meanwhile, we must encourage the Trump Cabinet and senior team to put on their big kid pants and speak truth to power - as often as needed.
Curiously and maddeningly, we have a surplus of voters with a shortage of teeth and somewhat skewed DNA - not to mention a simple perspective on geopolitics, ecomomics, the rights of husbands, how fish began to walk on the land, the inerrant truth of ancient documents writ by the handof dozens of putatative authors, and Darwin's voyage on The Beagle.
Make no mistake. They also vote, and we are obliged to drag them into current times, where they can duke it out with counterparts with opposing wrong views. They, btw, work among us, and we must lead organizations full to the brim with a full mix of both. Just another SCM challenge.
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