Blocking And Tackling: Take Your Pick
Tackling not so much, but blocking appears to be all the rage.SCMRs Patrick Burnson took on the topic in the May/June issue, with blockchain taking on the space once dedicated to the wonders of RFID. �The possibility that block chain is coming, or has come, of age is a major contention.
Even though managers have yet to embrace the concept, the forward progress seems to be unstoppable. �The solution promoted by IBM and Maersk for Hyperledger not only identifies supply choke points, Walmart thinks we are on the edge of a legendary Holy�Grail.
Others, notably SCM World's Kevin O'Meara, are more sanguine, seeing a rebirth of RFID hype. �I'm with Kevin, frankly. �A Gartnwe analyst generally agrees, predicting a 90% failure rate for new projects, including those that are already dead.