Impaired Thinking
Please enjoy the thoughts and musings of our friend, supporter, and long-time contributor Art van Bodegraven Jr., who passed away on June 18, 2017. Art was a prolific writer and had amassed a collection of unpublished blog posts he had planned to run well into the future. To honor his memory, we will continue to post these remaining blogs as he had intended. If you’ve been a fan of The Art of Art blog, check out our tribute.
I'm trying to avoid the word "crippled" in thinking about those who are hesitant to hire those differently-abled than the majority. But, it's perfectly descriptive. The crippling is not the afflicted, but the mental mindset of those reluctant to tap into this huge talent respource.
Much has been made of Walgreens South Carolina facility, and ita ground-breaking advances in hiring people with physical or emotional challenges. Using the developmentally disabled as low cost labor in the performance of menial tasks is fundamentally flawed.
Relegating the "slow" to bagging at Kroger is an affront to the individuals, and passing up a teaching moment for the customers.
Compounding the challenge are those who are "uncomfortable" with the "retarded," indicating a certain weakness and fear among the uninformed (at best) and the possibility of rank prejudice and mean-ness of spirit (at worst).
The workers deserve more and better, and the customers merit re-education—and a sharp blow to the chops.
Go thou, and be a beacon for the right thing.