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Chain links: What we're reading this week

By Mark Solomon | 03/23/2016 | 11:37 AM


Why apparel startups are returning to the U.S. (It’s not for mom and apple pie). Will Amazon’s logistics investments cause it to miss q1 numbers? And another study on the dangers--and sheer stupidity--of distracted driving.


Logistics in the Land of Enchantment

Albuquerque-area governments have launched a study to determine the feasibility of the region as a logistics hub. When other ways to attract businesses and jobs fall short, it seems, might as well become a logistics hub.

Source: Albuquerque Journal

Why Clothing Startups Are Returning to American Factories

The reason, according to this article in Fast Company, is not because of patriotism or marketing but to gain supply chain advantages. “It can take 10 months to go from placing an order at a Chinese factory to receiving a shipment of clothes,” says one CEO. “By using local factories, I'm able to meet demand much quicker.”

Source: Fast Company

Spend now, pay later for the e-com elephant?

Will Amazon.com’s large logistics investments cause it to miss analysts’ first-quarter earnings estimates, Forbes asks? To that, we answer: We don’t know. (Actually we were more interested in Jeff Bezos’ get-up in the accompanying foto).

Source: Forbes.com

Protesters disrupt San Bernardino town hall meeting on logistics

Fifteen protestors wearing surgical masks to complain about construction-related air pollution protested a San Bernardino town hall meeting on logistics investments. They dispersed quietly after calls were placed to local law enforcement. San Bernardino is near the massive Inland Empire distribution complex where many Asian imports are moved to after leaving the Port of Los Angeles or the Port of Long Beach.

Source: San Bernardino Sun

The dangers of distracted driving

The risk of distracted driving has increased in recent years with the proliferation of smartphones. A Department of Transportation-commissioned report from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute states that 5 seconds is the average time a person’s eyes are off the road while texting. At 55 miles per hour, driving for 5 seconds while texting equates to traveling the length of a football field without looking at the roadway. In response, 46 states have enacted bans against text messaging while driving, and 14 states have banned all handheld cellphone use while driving.

Source: Transport Topics

Supply chain disruptions in China ahead of G20?

There may be supply chain disruptions in China starting this summer as Chinese factories close entirely or partially close ahead of September’s G20 economic summit in Hangzhou. The closures may start as early as June as part of an effort to reduce dirty air in major cities ahead of the meeting of the world’s largest economies.

Source: Air Cargo News



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